Monday, March 1, 2010




Expect more from your Boss before you choose to meet or even perform above expectations ?


Bosses around the world would have the same characteristic where they expect more from the employee before the latter could expect more from them.

I agree with that, and that is the approach I was (before), am (now) and will be (in future) using through out my whole career path.

When I first stepped into the employment world, I told myself that I should and have to perform above expectations because I believe that if I perform above expectations, the Boss(es) would know and I can expect more from them.

Of course, initially, the words "expect more" would mean more job scopes to be given to me to perform even more above expectations. I believe they would appreciate my performance. Rewards will be flying over into me when that happens even not being expected by myself.

The best thing is that if they really do not appreciate it, It would still not be a loss to you. When you perform above expectations, it means you learn a lot more than what a normal person of the same period they are into the employment as you. A person with an experience of more than 10 years would not necessary be better off than a person with just three or four years of experience. It really depends on how much you are putting yourself into and how much you value-add to the company which include even youself.

I hope today's post is not so boring that you would not want to even read till the very last sentence.

Thank you for reading my post.

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