Sunday, July 4, 2010



There is an Assistant Manager who has been working very hard and smart. His boss also thinks highly of him.

One day, the Chief of one of the rival company approached this Assistant Manager and offered him Manager post. He agreed straight away and tendered his resignation to his current boss.

The boss was quite upset as he has long wanted this Manager to able to succeed him one day. He has also planned to promote him to Deputy Chief post the following week.

As this Assistant Manager has resigned, the boss has to promote the other colleague for the Deputy Chief post.

The Assistant Manager who has joined the rival company enjoyed being Manager. However, after a year, he was fired as the rival company was actually making use of him for clients contacts and setting up the management system. 

On the other hand, his ex-colleague, who has been promoted as Deputy Chief is now the Chief of the company as the Boss retired.

We have always been searching for opportunities.

We always see others who have been living better than us, how they have achieved and follow their ways to the success.

However, do we see the opportunies that are just within our own grab ?

Opportunities are everywhere and are just near us. But somehow, we tend to look for them on the opposite side.

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