Monday, July 12, 2010



There is once a happy family; a father, a mother and two twin children.

One day, when these twin brothers were out at school, there is a break-in to this family house. The father and mother were killed by the burglars.

The twin brothers only come to know this unfortunate news when they reached home happily with their favourite ice-creams in hands. They were really upset over what has happened.

Twenty years passed, there is a serial murder case involving ten victims in five incidents. The murderer was arrested following the fifth and last murder.

The Inspector asked "Why did you do this ?"
The Murderer replied "I want revenge, My parents were killed in a break-in when I was just 10 years old. The murderers are still at large till now. I want to let others know how it felt by losing their parents cos I felt very bad living without my own parents"

The Inspector found out then that he is the Elder brother of the twin brothers and the younger brother happens to be his colleague in the same police headquarter.

Out of curiousity, the Inspector then asked tis colleague "Why did you decide to be a police ?"
Without hesitation, this younger brother replied firmly "My parents were killed in a break-in twenty years ago. I vowed to be a police, to prevent crimes and to uphold justice by arresting those who violates the law"

Twin brothers who have gone through the same misfortune, have chosen different ways to live. One is being positive and the other is being negative. It is really our choice and our thoughts to be either positive or negative.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mano,

    First of all, thank you for leaving me this comment, a really encouraging comments to me and to those who have read my blog. I totally agree with what you have commented. :)
