Sunday, January 16, 2011



Everytime we make a mistake, we gain an experience, and we would not make the same mistake again.

But sometimes, we just do not have much opportunities to learn from making mistakes.

So isn't it a conflict to say "when you make mistake you gain experience" but in real life, we are not allowed to make too many of them and not to make an even one drastic mistake ?

That is why we have to observe sometimes or maybe at any point of time.

What to observe ? Observe mistakes by other people.

If we can learn from others mistakes without making the mistake ourselves, wouldn't it be great ?

I like this quote by Alfred Sheinwold :

   "Learn all you can from the mistakes of others.
  You won't have time to make them all yourself"

Think about it.

Do not make mistake on purpose just to gain experience out of it.

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