Wednesday, January 19, 2011


(Part 2)

As highlighted in my last post on "Negativity is Poisonous", negative mindset could turn out to be quite horrible.

We have to stop thinking about negativity.

We have to get rid of those negative mindset being set into our brain.

Some people do not wish to be successful and they would tell themselves that it is not necessary to think positive or think big.

But do they know that even if they do not want to think big, they would still need to get rid of those negative mindset ? And why is that so ?

The problem here is that if you do not get rid of it, it means you are nurturing it.

Negative mindset grow in an even faster pace when you ignore it.

It could be harmful to your own health.

And when it hit the peak, it could even be harmful to your own life.

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